Instructor: Margie Fullerton
Date: September 16, 2023
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Fee: $75
Participants: 10
Location: Highland Center Pavilion
Materials Cost: $30
Workshop Summary: Learn how to ecoprint (also known as botanical printing) on assorted
papers using the tannins from the leaves to imprint beautiful designs onto the natural fibers.
Ecoprinting involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon
fabrics and papers using a water bath process. Students will learn techniques to create beautiful,
natural designs with colors drawn directly from nature on paper. While this class will focus on
paper, with the knowledge gained in this workshop, the enthusiast can easily translate these
techniques to a variety of paper and protein-based materials. This workshop will also give
students a deeper appreciation and awareness of the natural resources that are all around them. At
the end of the workshop day, students will take home naturally printed craft papers that can be
used to create beautiful frameable images or covers for DIY book journals. These techniques are
taught in a companion workshop on Sunday, September 17 th – bring your ecoprint papers to this
workshop and turn them in to custom journals.
All materials will be provided by the instructor – EXCEPT the fun part – the leaves. Registered
participants will provide advance guidance on the best specimens to bring to incorporate in their
unique designs.
About Margie Fullerton
Margie is a local artist who originally learned the art of ecoprinting from
Highland Arts Academy’s 2021 workshop season. Since then, she has taken a deep exploration of this artform – extending her skill from simple paper and silk scarves to multimedia artforms, journal making, and “upcycling” natural and protein fiber clothing. An arts & crafts hobbyist
(she also learned linocut printing and explored pottery making in the 2021 workshop season), she has been a “resident visitor” to Highland County since 2011 and she (and her honeybees!) retired
to the area 5 years ago. From her mountain workshop, she explores ecoprinting, journal-making, book sculpture, linocut printing, stained glass, fiber arts, watercolors, and furniture rehab/upcycling.