Instructor: Margie Fullerton
Date: September 17, 2023
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Fee: $75
Participants: 8
Location: The Highland Center
Materials Cost: $15
Workshop Summary: In this class, make your own exposed stitch journal using a traditional
Coptic stitch (thought to have been developed in 2 nd Century AD by Egyptian “Copts”). You will
learn how to prepare unique cover designs (If you take the Ecoprinting on Paper workshop on
September 16 th – bring your finished papers; they make GREAT journal covers!), prepare folded
paper signatures suitable for binding, and use the basic Coptic stitch method of binding to create
your own one-of-a-kind journal. These books make excellent notebooks or sketchbooks for
personal use or as gifts for loved ones. Techniques used in this class include cutting, folding and
gluing paper materials and hand stitching. No prior experience is needed.
Materials Required. Students are asked to bring their own 9” x 12” cutting mat, XACTO-type
craft knife, scissors and basic book binding toolkit (Search: bookbinding starter kit online;
available for $10-$15 and should minimally include bone paper folder, paper awl, metal-edge
ruler, and curved upholstery needle). Instructor will bring book cover boards, waxed linen
threads, PVA glue, and papers suitable for book covers and signatures. Instructor will have
papers available for book cover design, however, if you take the Ecoprinting on Paper workshop
on Saturday – bring your ecoprinted papers. They make EXCELLENT journal covers!
About Margie Fullerton
Margie is a local artist who originally learned the art of ecoprinting from
Highland Arts Academy’s 2021 workshop season. Since then, she has taken a deep exploration of this artform – extending her skill from simple paper and silk scarves to multimedia artforms, journal making, and “upcycling” natural and protein fiber clothing. An arts & crafts hobbyist
(she also learned linocut printing and explored pottery making in the 2021 workshop season), she has been a “resident visitor” to Highland County since 2011 and she (and her honeybees!) retired
to the area 5 years ago. From her mountain workshop, she explores ecoprinting, journal-making, book sculpture, linocut printing, stained glass, fiber arts, watercolors, and furniture rehab/upcycling.